This month, therapists Jill DiPietro, LCSW and Maddy Lawler, LMSW talked to us about how parents can help kids with anxiety-related meltdowns. Kids lose control for lots of reasons, and it sometimes results in a massive meltdown that’s hard for parents (or kids themselves) to manage! Sometimes these meltdowns are a result of anxiety and the fight-or-flight-or-freeze response– and knowing this contributing cause can help head off the next one.

Jill and Maddy discussed these kinds of meltdowns, how to better manage them in the moment, and how to use concrete strategies to reduce meltdowns in the future. They also shared information on how anxiety generally presents in children, so it’s more easily recognizable. A Q&A session, with questions from participants, followed.

See the recording here:

Thanks, as always, to Park Slope Parents and Premier Pediatrics for their media sponsorship!